
It has long been said that those that have the village idiots are the loudest of a population. Considering that I have been one of the main village idiots in my area for quite some time, it’s only fitting that I finally have a piece of the web carved out to myself. Welcome to my little echo chamber.

What to Expect

Simply put, anything that I find cool and want to write about goes here in the blog section. It could be anything… a news article I read, a bug I found outside, or just a random thing from the æther. This portion of my digital identity isn’t meant to be pretty, polished, or inclusive; its purpose is to serve as a marker to the drifting thoughts of my mind, whatever that entails.

If you are looking for other parts of my presence, such as those that contribute to society in a much more meaningful way or my social media, this is not your place. But, if you want to sit and have a chat, stay awhile. I hope to post at least twice a week and gradually ramp up to once a day.


Projects will be coming up on the Projects portion of my website.

A lot of the things that I am interested in are not well-documented, or at least in one central repository. I have wasted hours if not days of my ever-depleting life looking through archaic forum posts, jargonic (yes, that’s a real word) scientific articles, and hate-riddled Reddit threads searching for some number. Even then, when it’s found, there is no way that you can have trust, especially when the information comes from a non-peer-reviewed source or a dodgy journal article. A primary project of mine is collating the data that I have found, and creating the data that does not exist yet, into one primary source. This will take form in multiple websites covering different topics, I already have several in the works, but am always open to new suggestions.

As someone who works in the medical field and studied neuropharmacology for many years, I have found the dearth of reliable information on supplements intended on brain health (notice, not nootropics) to be absurdly limited. It suffers from the same problem as above where data is simply untrustworthy, not rigorous, or just too much of a cesspool to ever figure out. Previously, there was a fantastic source for this data in that would provide summaries of scientific articles and mechanisms of actions for supplements around the Interwebs. Unfortunately, it’s now paywalled. I want to create a source that takes the spirit of this website and lifts it.

Finally, in my youth, I used to collect sports cards. Being young and growing up not in posh wonderland, I was stuck to getting little fifty cent sandwich bags full of junk wax cards. Even if it was worth absolutely zilch, it still gave me some satisfaction in collecting a set. A little site named Zistle once existed as a Wiki-fied trading card hub. It gave folks a place to organize their collection, make trades, upload pictures, and just generally exist. It was bought out by Beckett a few years ago, and has since fallen into disrepair and is now outdated. I intend on resurrecting a source like this as well.